Saturday, January 31, 2009

Autumn Leaves

As we have been experiencing temperatures in the mid 40's(°C), around 110°F, I thought I'd put some images of the lovely fallen autumn leaves we experienced in Europe. It was only last month we returned and so much has happened ... our trip seems to have taken on a dream-like quality!

The colours were stunning and I really have only included what was 'underfoot' which is quite appropriate since we were walking between four and eight hours most days. I'm now only walking after dark as I have to avoid the UV rays - we have bushland and wetlands nearby so it is always a pleasure to walk through whatever time of day or night.

... and here are a few yet to fall - how gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

Hi kathy,
Autumn is my favourite time of the year. I will be glad when these extra hot days we are having turn to cooler autumn days.
I hope you are in good spirits. Thinking of you.

~Kathy~ said...

Oh John,

It was so lovely to go through Kathy's posts on here. I have always wanted to travel there, but not sure we'll ever get there. So, it was lovely taking a virtual trip through all of Kathy's photographs and descriptions. She was a sweet, lovely lady, and I so wish I could have known her in person.
Blessings to you and your family,

Unknown said...

For those who come to this blog, I am sad to say my darling wife is now in her eternal home in heaven. She died on 1 June 2009 in Cabrini Hospital Melbourne surrounded by family. I have posted my eulogy on her amblingalong blog. She was a beautiful person to have spent 32 years with. John Flynn