Friday, September 26, 2008

We're here!

Just a quick note to say we have arrived and having a great time. No internet access till now and this is only brief.

Hajdu is amazing - in many ways I feel as if we've stepped back in time. Build is going well mostly working on the concrete slabs of two duplexes,

Must go,
Kathy and John

Monday, September 22, 2008


After a long journey (33 hours from home to the hotel) we arrived safely in Hungary yesterday. What a big, diverse, wonderful world this is and yet how similar we all are.

Here are my first impressions, a special request from Therese …
From the air the range of colours and textures was breathtaking as fields, market gardens, woods and hedges lay below us and in Budapest itself, the faded grandeur of this beautiful city did not diminish its sense of dignity and buzz of everyday life. As we passed by street after street of gorgeous buildings with tired facades, busy cobbled roads with familiar trams, graffiti, and MacDonald’s, there were reminders of Melbourne yet it is all so different. Budapest is a centuries-old city with a past and I feel as if its history is etched on every brick. A city with the wondrous sound of an indecipherable language which is so gentle on the ear, delicious food and life happening to the full.

Upon our arrival I needed a nap as the ground was unstable before my dizzy self, but John had an adrenalin rush and was off to walk along the Danube with another member of the Habitat team. Later the whole team gathered to meet one another and enjoy dinner together at a nearby restaurant. We learnt more of Habitat in Hungary and felt so inspired and thankful to be part of this building project. The team is diverse but all enthusiastic and eager to start - we travel out to the town today, a three hour bus ride away.

I don’t know how the coming days will unfold but will write when able.

With love,
Kathy and John

Saturday, September 20, 2008


The school holidays have begun,
Our bags are almost packed,
The family farewell dinner has been enjoyed
And only the last few items on the 'to do' list need to be ticked.

Today is our departure day and it is with very mixed feelings we say 'au revoir' to our dear family and friends. We will miss you all but are thankful for modern technology and the ease of keeping in contact (we hope!). We are excited about our plans, feel a little uncertain about communicating but so grateful for the opportunity.

"It's a dangerous business going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep you feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." (JRR Tolkein)